
Creativity comes from within us, and also comes from above, below, and all around in the consciousness of the unified force fields, we are embraced and surrounded by beauty. We can live in an endless vast open totally awesome present presence powered by people we admire. And we are one of those people. We are so full of the wonderfulness that we are bubbling over with ourselves and we spill forth a cornucopia of creative gifts and joys and expressions of our experiences.

So how do we embrace our own creativity? How do we enjoy ourselves? What is fun? What does it take for us to be playful in the energy? We often take ourselves so very seriously. Especially when we are trying to be spiritual. We get so into the discipline and into the practice, that we forget we are here on this planet to open ourselves to fuller delights with these wonderful senses we have.

Sight, sound, taste and touch and smells...these are the things that our planet is full of, we are full of sensations from our personal openings. We’ve bodies that are designed to take in the ALL from our holes...eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, skin pores...all organs for receiving. We have eyes to enjoy color and light and vibration of images to enter us. Energy can be seen, and as we grow spiritually we can see even subtler energies. We can see auras, and heat and light bouncing. Energy sparkles, or shimmers, or appears to flow this way or that.

If when we progress to deeper awareness, we gain more refined seeing abilities, how can one think that we should blindfold ourselves to be more spiritual? Seeing beauty can open us even further, deepening our experience, even seeing pain may open our compassion.

I feel that when we use each sense to embrace the ALL in appreciation we can see our personal truth better.

Same with the other senses. A flower is created with scents. Some more subtle that others. A person with a cold and stuffed up nose may not believe someone who says how sweet something smells, but it doesn’t take away the scent of the flower.

Why would a creator create such sweet subtle aromas if it were not for our pleasure and to help us grow? Same with the rich tastes and textures of food and fine clothes and all the details of existence.

We are so lucky to live so many lifetimes, if they are right and we do a cycles of rebirths, to enjoy each culture and part of this lovely earth, for in one lifetime alone we would be so limited to see only the wonders of our birth place and miss all the rest.

Life is short. Emulate the creator, and please the gods by doing as they do...create. Create a reflection of the beauty that surrounds us. Paint, sing, dance, cook, sit and smell the roses, but be your creative self and open to all the senses. Become truly spiritual, and open to ALL.

Copyright: Soul R&R ©1999 All rights reserved

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